Benefits of Pumpkin for Health

     Because of the delicate flavor and smell most like to eat pumpkin is a favorite food for many people. It's a type of vegetation that can be recycled several counts since used as the foundation for a dessert and pharmaceuticals.

1. The main components in the pumpkin:
Yellow with crimson Pumpkin is rich in anti-oxidant compounds and carotene (Beta-carotene) Al Tiffany Diamonds (alpha-carotene), fiber, vitamin C and E, potassium, magnesium and Pantothenate acid or vitamin B5.

2. The health benefits of pumpkin:
Carotene is a vitamin that can be converted by the body into vitamin A. Vitamin A promotes healthy eyes healthy eyes and make sure the immune system functions. In addition carotene also helps against skin inflammation caused by solar heating. The Al Tiffany Diamonds are thought to help reduce aging, as well as reducing the incidence of cataracts and prevent the tumor.

The fiber is known to help reduce levels of fat, cholesterol bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) immune against heart disease, help control blood sugar levels, promotes a healthy digestive system and play an important role in weight loss.

Potassium in pumpkin helps to balance the level of fluid in the body and make the bones stronger. The Pantothenate acid or vitamin B5 helps to balance hormone levels and manage stress (Stress).

Besides meat, pumpkin seeds also provide health benefits as well, it can help eliminate a variety of intestinal parasites in cleaning vessels editing cholesterol and help drive the movement of the kidney. Pumpkin seeds weigh 1 ounce (28.34 grams) contains 1.7 grams of fiber.

The pumpkin was found to be beneficial against stomach ulcers and acid in the stomach. To be effective, should drink 3 times a day half an hour before meals.