3 Benefits of Cashew for Health

Cashew is crops Brazil are exported to countries in the tropics during the century 16 by the Portuguese explorers of Tunisia, Senegal. Currently, growers and exporters to achieve most of the cashew products is Brazil, India, Mozambique, Nigeria and Tanzania. New discoveries, scientists have shown that it provides health benefits 3:

1. To reduce the risk of diabetes type -2:

Laboratory experiments have shown that substances extracted from cashew benefit to control the level of blood sugar, which can reduce the risk of diabetes type -2. Because nuts contain active elements Anacardic Acid.

2. maintain heart health:

Some studies have shown that eating nuts may help lower levels of fat, cholesterol, reduce the risk of hypertension, obesity All these factors are pushing born with heart disease.

3. reduce the risk of gallstones:

A large-scale study on the tens of thousands of women 8 Supply showed that eating nuts often help reduce the risk of gallstones.
Please note that the nuts are a rich source of healthy fats. In addition, it contains some minerals such as copper, magnesium, potassium, iron and zinc. In addition, antibiotics and protein-rich protein also lost fat health.

In particular, its fruit, which pumps water capacity is 100 millimeters securities contain vitamin C, about 200-220 mm g.